Is PurgeMax® easy to use?
PurgeMax® is extremely easy to use. Just toss the whole packet of PurgeMax® into hopper.
Is PurgeMax® safe to use?
Yes, PurgeMax® is heat stable, RoHS compliance, non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-flammable and safe to use heat ranges from 135°C to 400°C.
Can PurgeMax® applicable to be used in most of industrial processes?
Yes, PurgeMax® can be effectively used for all types of thermoplastic resins in Injection Molding, Extrusion and Blow Molding applications.
Can I mould parts with PurgeMax®?
Yes, PurgeMax® is mouldable and can be safely injected without damaging the mould.
What is the saving of using PurgeMax® versus regular purge?
Based on our manufacturer’s R&D cost evaluation and customer’s case studies, PurgeMax®helps to reduce downtime up to 80% and reduce the scrap up to 85%.
Is PurgeMax® abrasive?
No, PurgeMax® uses surfactant technology in cleaning and thus it is non-abrasive.
Will PurgeMax® helps to eliminate black specks / carbon build-up?
Yes, PurgeMax® removes black specks / carbon build-up.
We recommend a regular purging with PurgeMax® whereby every after a colour change, material change and during shutdown or start-up period, it will gradually minimize the black spec problems.
How long is the soak time needed?
No soaking is needed.
Allowing PurgeMax® to soak more than 1 minute will not enhance its performance.
Is PurgeMax® FDA approved?
Not at the moment. We are strongly aiming for an FDA certificate in the near future.
How long does it take to purge a machine using PurgeMax®?
The timing subjects to the condition of machine and type of resins used for cleaning. We suggest a normal timing range from 10 minutes to an hour which depends on its machine tonnage.
What should I do with the PurgeMax® scrap?
PurgeMax® scrap can be handled in three ways:

a) It can be sold to the scrap collectors.
b) It can be reused as a carrier for the future of cleaning purposes.
c) It can be reused for darker colour parts.

Does PurgeMax® leave a residue after purging?
No, PurgeMax® does not leave any residue because it does not stick to any kinds of metal.
How much is the consumption of PurgeMax® needed for each purge with Injection Molding Machines?
Refer to PurgeMax® Usage Chart.
Is it safe to purge Hot Runners with PurgeMax®?
Yes, PurgeMax® is designed to clean Hot Runners and manifold. In many cases, it can also be moulded. We have two different procedures for purging Hot Runners, with mould open and with mould closed.
Is there any concern of PurgeMax® reacting to kinds of the materials process?
Not that we are aware of.
What should I know about purging heat sensitive resins?
PVC and material with FR filled are heat sensitive resins. Carbonization due to heat oxidation can lead to degradation within just a few minutes. Therefore, we recommend to you not to empty the barrel. PurgeMax® should be introduced at the end of the resin run by adding the PurgeMax® on top of the resident resin in the hopper then followed by purging material. Continue to purge until the resin appears to be natural and clean.
Does PurgeMax® contain any expansion agent?
Yes, PurgeMax® contains heat activator ingredient which helps to clean the screw and barrel more efficiently.
Do I need to adjust the temperature profile?
Either maintain or increase 10% more.
What is the lifespan of PurgeMax®?
1 year from manufacturing date.
How do I know that the PurgeMax® solution in the barrel had finished?
It happened when the resin is clear and there is no bubble in the resins anymore.
Is PurgeMax® safe to be left in the barrel overnight?
Yes, PurgeMax® is safe to be kept overnight.
Do I need to use specific material with PurgeMax®?
No, you may just follow the current purging resin used with PurgeMax®.